Forever Rain Studios
Privacy Policy
0. Terms
1. Information Collected
When saying "The company", "Us", "We", "Forever Rain Studios" or "Forever Rain Studios, LLC", we are referring to "Forever Rain Studios, LLC" specifically and no specific employee or contractor of that company in this privacy policy. Unity may refer either to the game development software named Unity or the company Unity Technologies.
We collect information in order to create better games and adjust what types of content we create in the future. We do not sell data to third parties. Types of information collected may be:
1) Email - For mailing lists. Emails are stored by WiX.
2) Game Activity - For analytical data to determine what is and is not working in our games.
3) Information gathered by Unity - Unity Analytics automatically collects some generic data. For example, the country of the user is collected. For a full current list of what Unity Analytics collects, see https://docs.unity.com/analytics/EventManager.html#Events or the most recent unity documentation about the EventManager in Unity Analytics.
2. Your rights
We respect your privacy and desire to not be tracked in any way. While we do require you to opt-out, we try to make it as simple as we can to delete your data and cease further collection. All games will have direct links to methods of deleting your collected data and stopping any metrics gathering they may do.
Emails are stored by WiX and can be deleted through either emailing julia@foreverrainstudios.com or through unsubscribe buttons listed in mailing list emails.